
The 1889 Institute was a non-profit education and research organization. The 1889 Institute analyzed and developed state public policy for Oklahoma based on principles of limited and responsible government, free enterprise, and a robust civil society. We disseminated analysis and recommendations to policymakers and the general public.

We researched and developed policy recommendations in the areas of K-12 education, higher education, healthcare, welfare, economic liberty, cronyism, and state finance. Our approach to issues began with the realization that the greatest successes for individuals, societies, and nations have occurred in an environment of limited (but necessary) government, free enterprise, and civility.

The 1889 Institute did not engage in policy advocacy. Rather, it provides dispassionate policy expertise to policy makers and the general public. The Institute did not have members or engage in grassroots organizational activities.

Our Former Team

Vance H. Fried

Senior Fellow

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Kyle Scott

Communications Fellow

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Michael R. Davis

Research Fellow

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Tyler Williamson

Research Associate

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