Western Heights Fiasco Highlights Need for Reform

Western Heights Fiasco Highlights Need for Reform

Last Monday the State Board of Education voted unanimously to amend the conditions of accreditation for the Western Heights school district, effectively taking over the district, substituting state control for local control. For the next year, every action taken by...
Western Heights Fiasco Highlights Need for Reform

Can Kids Handle CRT?

On Monday Oklahoma’s State Board of Education approved rules to implement HB 1775, a bill that bans critical race theory from public schools. The announcement renewed debate about CRT and whether it belongs in public school curricula. A fresh batch of op-eds in the...
Western Heights Fiasco Highlights Need for Reform

Oklahoma Educators Need to Read, and Follow, Directions

Read all the directions. Teachers used to say this before every test. Read all the directions. Following them was implied. Those who went directly to the first question often made mistakes. Sometimes extra credit was hidden in the directions. Unfortunately, Oklahoma...
Western Heights Fiasco Highlights Need for Reform

Best District in Oklahoma; Mediocre Everywhere Else

It probably comes as no surprise to many that the Jenks public school district would be named the best school district in the State of Oklahoma. Not only has this happened before, the district is in a fairly well-to-do community, it has nice facilities, it’s...