Oklahoma Public Trusts Violate the Constitution and Inflate Government

Oklahoma Educators Need to Read, and Follow, Directions

Read all the directions. Teachers used to say this before every test. Read all the directions. Following them was implied. Those who went directly to the first question often made mistakes. Sometimes extra credit was hidden in the directions. Unfortunately, Oklahoma...
Oklahoma Public Trusts Violate the Constitution and Inflate Government

The Rare Courage of Thomas Sowell

Maverick: A Biography of Thomas Sowell BY JASON L. RILEY BASIC BOOKS, 248 PAGES, $19 Last Juneteenth Fortune Magazine published a list of “19 Black economists to know and celebrate.” Predictably, it fails to include Thomas Sowell, the Hoover Institution scholar and...
Oklahoma Public Trusts Violate the Constitution and Inflate Government

No, 12-Year-Olds Are Not a Major Threat to Your Safety

​“No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.” -Edmund Burke, 1757 Just when you thought it was safe to resume some semblance of a normal life, another danger has appeared on the horizon: children ages 12-17. According to...
Oklahoma Public Trusts Violate the Constitution and Inflate Government

Best District in Oklahoma; Mediocre Everywhere Else

It probably comes as no surprise to many that the Jenks public school district would be named the best school district in the State of Oklahoma. Not only has this happened before, the district is in a fairly well-to-do community, it has nice facilities, it’s...