About Those Roads in Texas

About Those Roads in Texas

As Sooner fans head south for the OU-Texas game next week, they will encounter a phenomenon most of us are familiar with: as you cruise across the Red River suddenly the road gets noticeably smoother. The painted lane stripes get a little brighter and the roadside...
About Those Roads in Texas

The Real Reason Health Care Prices Keep Rising

Much has been made of the healthcare crisis of late, but very little of it addresses two of the biggest financial problems with the system: the third party payer problem and the reality that health insurance bears no resemblance to true insurance. Insurance is a...
About Those Roads in Texas

Medicaid Expansion: A Raw Deal

For the sake of most Oklahomans, our state legislature should continue to hold out against the unrelenting pressure of monied interests and refuse to expand the state’s Medicaid program under Obamacare. Why? It’s simple, really, if someone is robbing my house, moving...
Obamacare Medicaid Expansion: Still a Bad Idea

Obamacare Medicaid Expansion: Still a Bad Idea

Obamacare Medicaid Expansion: Still a Bad Idea Author Byron Schlomach Abstract This paper refutes arguments by advocates of Medicaid expansion in Oklahoma, raises issues regarding its potential impact in making Oklahomans dependent as well as on the state budget, and...