Let Us Work! The Futility of “Stimulus” to Counteract Foolish Covid-19 Shutdown Orders

Government at Any Level is Unfit to Run Your Life

In plain English this time. What is the right way to think about the risk of Covid? About three percent of people who get Covid are dying from it. That number drops precipitously for those outside a few well-defined risk groups (namely older adults and those with...
Let Us Work! The Futility of “Stimulus” to Counteract Foolish Covid-19 Shutdown Orders

A Blunt Cry for Covid Dread’s End

Allowing an admittedly adverse ailment to be inaccurately advertised as an apocalyptic abomination able to annihilate all is aggravating, annoying, and abhorrent. An accurate assessment advises any and all to avoid alarmism and act appropriately. Anxieties are...
Let Us Work! The Futility of “Stimulus” to Counteract Foolish Covid-19 Shutdown Orders

How to Spend $47 Million in 4 Months

The CARES Act passed by Congress has a provision to give funds to state and local governments. Out of this, Oklahoma County has been given the onerous task of spending $47 million by the end of the year. The caveat being all expenses must be related to COVID-19. Any...
Let Us Work! The Futility of “Stimulus” to Counteract Foolish Covid-19 Shutdown Orders

How Oklahoma Can Be Number One in Covid Policy

South Dakota, that sound you hear behind you is footsteps. Oklahoma can be Number One in the policy response to Covid-19. We’ve done fairly well to this point compared to other states, but to take us to the top, our leaders will need good, accurate information, must...