Western Heights Fiasco Highlights Need for Reform

Western Heights Fiasco Highlights Need for Reform

Last Monday the State Board of Education voted unanimously to amend the conditions of accreditation for the Western Heights school district, effectively taking over the district, substituting state control for local control. For the next year, every action taken by...
Western Heights Fiasco Highlights Need for Reform

Can Kids Handle CRT?

On Monday Oklahoma’s State Board of Education approved rules to implement HB 1775, a bill that bans critical race theory from public schools. The announcement renewed debate about CRT and whether it belongs in public school curricula. A fresh batch of op-eds in the...
Western Heights Fiasco Highlights Need for Reform

Lowering Taxes is the Best Economic Incentive

The art of taxation consists in so plucking the goose as to obtain the largest possible amount of feathers with the smallest possible amount of hissing.   – Jean-Baptiste Colbert  Around 20 years ago Oklahoma had the idea to be on the cutting edge of commercial...
Western Heights Fiasco Highlights Need for Reform

Will Higher Education Funding Become a Partisan Wedge?

Last week the University of Oklahoma’s disregard for students’ free speech rights was displayed yet again. A disquieting recording, publicized by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, shows faculty presenters at a recent pedagogy workshop encouraging...
Western Heights Fiasco Highlights Need for Reform

Why the Hammer Thrower (Gwen Berry) Is Wrong

Gratiis – Latin word meaning “for thanks” and often contracted to “gratis,” meaning “without recompense, for nothing.” Roots for “gratitude,” “grace,” and “gracious.” Pushing for positive change, for justice where it has long been compromised, for right where wrong...