by 1889 Institute | Aug 5, 2021 | Blog
The 1889 Institute, an Oklahoma think tank, has released the following statement in response to the recent clamor over the Delta variant of COVID-19 and increased calls for Gov. Kevin Stitt to issue a declaration of emergency. The state of Oklahoma is currently...
by Tyler Williamson | Aug 4, 2021 | Blog
During Oklahoma’s 2020-21 legislative session, a bill passed that forbade local school boards, career tech boards, or the Board of Regents for higher education from implementing certain Covid-19 related mandates absent a declaration of emergency from the governor....
by Jason Lawter | Aug 2, 2021 | Blog
“The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design.” – F.A. Hayek Financing that improves the value of commercial property and helps pay for itself with no upfront...
by Byron Schlomach | Jul 28, 2021 | Blog
After World War II, the United States did more to rebuild and enrich the rest of the world than the Marshall Plan for Europe and the rebuilding of Japan during its occupation. As private citizens, Americans gave away untold wealth for the benefit of others around the...
by Brad Galbraith | Jul 26, 2021 | Blog
Misguided state, local, and tribal leaders are pushing hard to lead Oklahoma and the nation into 21st-century transportation. Determined to realize progress, they’ve deployed programs to boost aerospace engineering, planned smart cities, and subsidized the manufacture...
by Mike Davis | Jul 21, 2021 | Blog
In March of 2020, New York experienced a health emergency in the form of the Covid-19 virus. In just a few days’ time, and with very little warning, they went from a few confirmed cases to several thousand cases. On March 13 there were fewer than 100 new cases. A week...