Free Market Healthcare: Fighting Industrialized Corruption

OKCPS Mask Mandate Clearly Illegal

Last spring, the Oklahoma Legislature passed and the governor signed a law that forbids school district boards from imposing mask mandates unless an emergency is first declared. Last week, Superintendent Sean McDaniel, with the support of the Oklahoma City school...
Free Market Healthcare: Fighting Industrialized Corruption

Transit Hypocrisy: So That Others May Ride a Train

While modes of transportation have changed little in the last century, speeds and efficiency have dramatically improved. Additionally, new, innovative transportation options are on the horizon. Autonomous vehicles and drones are two prominent examples. Yet, planners...
Free Market Healthcare: Fighting Industrialized Corruption

Three Pillars of Human Flourishing

Human flourishing rests on three pillars. All three are necessary for maintaining our society. Humans are capable of standing on two feet because our muscular and nervous systems provide significant stability for the skeleton – you don’t see many skeletons...