Why Does Oklahoma License Polygraph Examiners?

Why Does Oklahoma License Polygraph Examiners?

In Oklahoma, a license is required to work as a polygraph examiner (a professional who applies lie-detector tests), and it is not at all obvious why. Generally, an occupation is licensed if it is obviously in the public’s interest to prevent potential bad actors from...
Why Does Oklahoma License Polygraph Examiners?

The Real Reason Health Care Prices Keep Rising

Much has been made of the healthcare crisis of late, but very little of it addresses two of the biggest financial problems with the system: the third party payer problem and the reality that health insurance bears no resemblance to true insurance. Insurance is a...
Why Does Oklahoma License Polygraph Examiners?

Medicaid Expansion: A Raw Deal

For the sake of most Oklahomans, our state legislature should continue to hold out against the unrelenting pressure of monied interests and refuse to expand the state’s Medicaid program under Obamacare. Why? It’s simple, really, if someone is robbing my house, moving...
Why Does Oklahoma License Polygraph Examiners?

Penmanship Fit for a King, Words Fit for a Free People

We all know that Thomas Jefferson authored the Declaration of Independence, but who wrote the Declaration? Who took pen to paper—actually, quill to parchment—and inscribed the words on the document displayed at the National Archives in Washington, D.C.? The name...