by Byron Schlomach | Mar 15, 2021 | Blog
The 1889 Institute, an Oklahoma think tank, has released the following statement regarding the Governor’s recent announcement lifting state-level Covid-19-related restrictions and mandates and continued local restrictions. Oklahoma has moved into phase three of its...
by Brad Galbraith | Mar 15, 2021 | Blog
A few weeks ago, during a live chat sponsored by the Oklahoman, Mayor Holt was asked about the possibility of establishing regional transit in the Oklahoma City Metropolitan Area. After the questioner praised Denver’s regional transit system, the mayor was asked about...
by Mike Davis | Mar 10, 2021 | Blog
Occasionally when my wife and I lay out rules for my daughter, she will respond with rules for us. While we are certainly receptive to hearing her perspective, in our house, the parents have a monopoly on rule-making power. Monopolies are great for monopolists. Most...
by Byron Schlomach | Mar 8, 2021 | Blog
“No public money for private schools.” This slogan, employed against the idea of a system of public funding where parents would have a choice of which schools their children attend, is so void of meaning, so vapid in its reasoning, that it could only be employed by...
by Spencer Cadavero | Mar 3, 2021 | Blog
Oklahoma has a licensing problem, with our licensing laws ranking as the 11th most burdensome nationwide. It’s to the point that we license occupations that very few other states do. That is the case for dental assistants, who are only licensed in 9 states. Many...
by Byron Schlomach | Mar 1, 2021 | Blog
As government has become bigger and more complex, it has become increasingly difficult for individual citizens to monitor its activities and finances. Cities used to provide law enforcement, firefighting, and basic infrastructure. Now they do detailed planning and...