The Ethical Depravity of Surprise Medical Billing

The Ethical Depravity of Surprise Medical Billing

Is it ethical to perform a service for someone without a good faith estimate of what you’re going to charge them? Would you let a mechanic make major modifications to your car without having the mechanic explain how those changes could negatively impact your driving...
The Ethical Depravity of Surprise Medical Billing

What GameStop Can Teach Us About Good Governance

What we refer to as the law, written statutes or regulations outlining specific penalties for certain behaviors, doesn’t govern most every day interactions. There’s no law saying that you have to get in line at the grocery store, but everyone does, because that’s what...
The Ethical Depravity of Surprise Medical Billing

Stop Nibbling Around the Edges of School Choice

Parent Power Index, a website comparing state policies based on how much power a parent has to get their child a good education, gives Oklahoma a C overall, but a D on school choice. We can do better. Since last March, Tulsa and Oklahoma City public schools have...