Lamenting Today’s Lack of Truth Telling

Lamenting Today’s Lack of Truth Telling

A couple of events lately have dramatically brought into focus the issue of TRUTH, not one’s own personal truth, not the truth as told by the victors, not the truth as understood by where one presently stands, but THE truth. Very recently, it was publicly announced...
Lamenting Today’s Lack of Truth Telling

Why the Income Tax Is Just Plain Evil

Despite this coming from someone who used to tease about government being the root of all evil just to get a rise out of people, this is not hyperbole. The income tax is evil – truly, seriously evil. It should die at every level of government. There is nothing about...
Lamenting Today’s Lack of Truth Telling

COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Based on Fear, Not Facts

In one ranking of 20 pandemics that have occurred throughout recorded history, COVID-19 ranks eighth in the estimated number of total deaths caused worldwide. However, were the estimates of various pandemics’ death tolls adjusted to take account of the planet’s...
Lamenting Today’s Lack of Truth Telling

Time to End the State’s Cartel in Higher Education

Recently, the chair of Oklahoma’s Board of Regents called into question the state’s cartel in higher education. These days, when people hear or read “cartel” they think of drug cartels. But “cartel” is actually the name given to a monopoly created by many...